Monday 30 January 2012

LOvE sTorY……..

"don't know how long is it that i have to resist everything"
(this book is funny but makes me know how much that you have tried)
"hide all the truth in my...heart"
"every time we meet"
(I want to tell you that you are succeeded since you begin to do)
"every time you turn to me.."
"that i pretend to be still"
(do you know how much I force myself)
"can you hear that?"
"my heart is telling you ILOVE YOU"
"but I cannot reveal my true feeling to anyone"
"can you hear that?"
(touched her hand for the first time, but I had to release it because others would curious)
"my heart..."
"is waiting there for you to open"
"can only hope you will know it"
(gave her an apple but I bit it)
"though I LOVE YOU"
"though i feel it"
"but deep inside isn't brave enough"
“Every time we meet”
“Every time you turn to me”
“That I pretend to be still”
“Do you know how much I have to force myself”
(love can win everything especially fear)
“Can you hear that?”
“My heart…”
(the first day )
(it was difficult to grow)
(one worm)
“Is telling that I LOVE YOU”
“but I cannot reveal my true feeling to anyone”
“can you hear that my heart…”
“is waiting there for you to open”
“can only hope you will know it”
(today i hear P’Top confess)
(you know my heartis hurt to hear that)
(me too wanted you to ride on my back)
(Nam..will you be my girlfriend?)
“can you hear that..?”
“my heart…”
“is telling you I LOVE YOU”
“but I cannot reveal my true feeling to anyone”
“can you hear that?”
“My heart..”
“is still waiting there for you to open”
“can only hope you will know it”
“that I’m the one here to love you”
“I’m begging you please know it”
-I’m waiting for you-

Monday 9 January 2012

Dulu & sekraggg...:)

Salam ukhwah…

Dulu xpikir pon soal duit…
Skrg duit tu bgaikan nyawa di hujung tanduk…
Dulu xpikir pon calon suami..
Skrg tgu masa je…hehehe…
Dulu selekeh yg amat..
Skrg “dirimu begitu berharga”….

Dulu tgok meja study mcm tgok kertas kosong..
Skrg meja study mcm full…
Dulu nk bkak kmputer or laptop pon terkial2..
Skrg..hmm.xyah swuh bukak pon dah tersdia terbukak…hahaha..
Dulu nk tgok enset tukr2..mmg xlar kan..
Skrg..ckp je jenama pe..apa yg xpernah guna…
Hmm..actually aku xprnah tkar g coz bjet mmg xde..
Dlu btday pon xigat sgt..
Skrg mcm sdeyh je bla xde org ucap btday…huhuhu…
Dulu..aku benci ko..
Skrg aku terima ko seadanya…cewahhh..poyo jew….
Jmuntah aku…J
Dulu smbahyg tertinggal2 je..kdg2 xwat lgsung..
Skrg bwu insaf..setiap waktu solat yg tertinggal mcm panas jew…
Nauzubillahminzalik….semoga kita berusa melakukan yg terbaek dalam setiap keehidupan kita seterusnya….amin…
Dulu dan skrg tiada yg berubah…
Hanya kita yang berusaha untuk mengubahnya…
Usaha tangga kejayaaan..
Majulah sukan untuk Negara…

Tiba2…. J